Public Outreach Saturday June 18, 2022
We had our full crew out for today’s “Public Outreach” event. Since we can only have three at a time at our booth, Jim and Diane took the first shift and Bishop J and Pastor M took the second shift. Since I filed the application, I was there for both shifts. By the end of the day we had passed out over 800 brochures. Most people were complimentary of what we were doing and asked questions and wanted additional brochures. Jim had a long conversation with a Pastor who was knowledgeable on Islam and said he makes it a point to educate his congregants on the facts and truth. We need more like him. Another Pastor came up to our booth and thanked all of us for what we were doing. He took several brochures that he wanted to give out to his congregation. Bishop J had a long conversation with an Iranian man who left Islam and converted to Christianity.
In finishing this brief summary of today, I would just like to say it is time for everyone to get in this battle for our republic. The enemy is out and does their best to disrupt our events. Everyone needs to get educated and then engage in saving our republic. You can go to our website: and download brochures and print out several to educate your neighbors, friends and people at your house of worship. Contact us if you would like to set up your own booth to educate people. There is a PowerPoint presentation on our website which describes how to go about doing this. And we can always use donations to help offset the cost of printing the brochures. Get involved.
Richard Roy Blake says
Again, great work Steve. Will share with MeWe group Confronting Islam Directly. God Bless