Today’s Public Outreach Friday 10-15-21
We were back at our favorite venue today. As usual foot traffic is less on a weekday than it is on a weekend. Nevertheless, by the end of the day we had passed out over 700 brochures. Thanks go out to Ken for coming on out to support the public outreach.
What was odd and I think a first was that we did not get any pushback from the Muslims. No shouting, yelling, middle fingers or four letter words, not a one. A few Muslimas walked by and took a brochure from us. No hesitation whatsoever, odd. Even the Muslim who runs a kiosk around the corner from where we are came over and politely asked if he could have a brochure. Of course I gave him one and then watched to see if he was going to get on his phone. No, never happened.
Maybe this is the lull before the storm and they have been instructed at their mosques to lay low. Especially now that the CCP is in the spotlight. We had brochures on both Islam and the CCP. The Islam brochures were way more popular amongst the shoppers.
In my opinion we need to be educating and getting the public involved on both Islam and the CCP. With CRT being in the news almost every day, now is our opportunity to get the facts into the hands of people on Marxism.
Folks we need everyone in this fight for our country and there is no time to waste. If you cannot be engaged, any donation would be greatly appreciated. Brochure and posters are not free. Hit the donate button on our website and donate whatever you can. It is appreciated.
Great job. Interesting response from Muslims. From my experience young Muslims are the most supportive, almost a quarter no longer identify as Muslim and its not hard to understand why. Imagine being an American teen and told you cannot date, dance, listen to music, have a pet dog or have non-Muslim friends. Add to that all the Islamic obligations and it becomes clear that America is where Islam will come to die. Recently found out that the city of Northglenn, Colorado is creating an ordinance to further criminalize any protests at the Northglenn mosque. Here is the article on the subject, God Bless:,379035
In thinking about why the public that you contacted was much more concerned with Islam than China, I think that because we are experiencing a startling domestic immigration that threaten our freedom on our very streets. Increases in Chinese immigration seem far less threatening, That may be because of the fact that most Chinese immigrants are not overtly seeking imposition of a CCP regime, at least to the extent that Islamic immigrants seek to want to impose Islamic law. And I agree, Islam is the more immediate existential threat is Islam. A saving grace in dealing with China is that while the CCP will continue to seek hegemony in all arenas including space, we can at least depend on them to act in its rational self interest. The key word there is rational. Islam cannot be depended upon to be rational. And every Muslim immigrant I have ever asked what motivated the to come to America, has claimed that they did so to spread Islam. None of my Chinese friends has ever told me that they or their ancestors came here to make America more like China.
To counter China we need to restore our rare earths industry if we want to maintain a technological advantage. China has a near monopoly on rare earths.and as a result is in danger of passing us technologically, if they haven’t already done so. We have to be smart, competitive and clear-headed in dealing with China, but they are not as great a threat as Islam.
Thus, I am not advocating war with China, as I believe in no more than one war at a time and in the spirit of human ascension do not believe in attacking when has not been attacked. But the war with Islam is unavoidable as Islam has been at war with the world’s non-Muslims since the seventh century, despite the fact that many of our leaders refuse to acknowledge that fact, and in fact, have traitorously lied about Islam worse than Islamic missionaries.
The lack of negative engagements with Muslims you encountered might have to do with the strategy shared by Islamists and the useful idiots and traitors that are enabling them, to try to “norm” Islam, creating political alliances, trying to pass themselves off good citizens who are tragically discriminated against, while quietly subverting America by inserting Islamic propaganda at every level of education and funding international terrorism.