You are here: Home / Uncategorized / CJC Public Outreach Today March 7th The LA Chapter of CJC’s first information campaign in quite some time went well today. We were authorized to use a table right at the main entrance from the parking structure of the mall. There was a lot of pedestrian traffic, and the people were more receptive to our brochures than at the 3rd Street Promenade. We decided ahead of time to not provoke the Muslims, but we saw fewer than a dozen all day. They were probably U.S. citizens and not the easily-offended zealots from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait that we encountered in Santa Monica. We were not hassled by anyone except a couple of security officers who told us we couldn’t walk around to pass out brochures. We stood our ground. We offered to read to them the Pruneyard Supreme Court ruling, and we told them that our supervisor was having lunch and we couldn’t agree to any change in our deployment without her agreeing, and then they backed off. We handed out about 200 brochures, mostly the Sharia Law brochure. Very few contacts needed the Spanish versions, but they are nice to have. If you would like to start up your own “Public Outreach” send us an email at: . All of our factual brochures can be downloaded from our website: . Start educating your community on the facts of Islam. We also appreciate any donations, which help offset the cost of printing up the brochures for our Public Outreach events.
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