Today our public outreach took us to the city of Torrance at the Del Amo Fashion Center. Foot traffic seemed a little light. This center is described as the 5th busiest in terms of annual visitors in the US. Not sure what kept the shoppers away today. We still passed out over 500 brochures. This is a very liberal section in southern California and we were dodging derogatory comments all day. The libtards are not bashful in expressing their opinions. One out of eight gave us a positive comment. Next week we will be at some other location in the state of California.
Having to use my personal email address and fixing to try to get signed up with ya’ll via Gmail account.oh due to my own convoluted logic or” information dominance” no LOL on WordPress theme it reads stop public enemy #1 CAIR is Hamas, via twitter @rodeo rosary and just Dave or the Texas son of a bitch with an ideological offensive against Ikhwan but whatever the crusader or counter jihad deplorable nomenclature it’s all the same but most important endeavors any of us old veterans and concerned Americans will ever do protect and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and it’s perfectly clear the existential threat our domestic enemies the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist networks the alpha and omega of all Islamic terrorism ok diatribes over what could anyone expect of a crowd reaction in the peoples republic of California thanks for everything you do Steve and patriotic sagacious Americans
Thanks for the encouraging and good words. We need to educate people. Too many still do not know the truth.
Keep on educating people about Islam I’m encouraged by your Outreach! A friend of mine and I went to a community college in our area and we received a lot of hate from the libtards. However we did have people interested and the pamphlets flowed throughout the school. We know it was very effective because there was a Muslim group trying to steer Muslims away from talking to us. Muslims and liberals cannot handle the truth.
Great work Anthony! Keep it up.