Educating the Public on the Tenets of Islam
You would be surprised how little the average citizen knows about Islam. This is why we do our “public outreach” events at different venues. This Saturday we passed out over 900 brochures. People are thirsty to learn the truth and facts on Islam. You can download our trifold brochures right here from our site. Each deals on a different aspect of Islam. Most are geared towards political Islam versus the religious side. All of the information in our brochures is taken from the primary source of Islam, the Quran and Sunnah.
The only way we can hope to change public policy is by changing public opinion which means we need to educate the uneducated. Most people do not want to spend the time reading a book to learn a little about Islam. Nor do they want to do any research on their own. And with most main stream media they cannot get the truth. So we have made it easy by putting together these easy to read, short and factual trifold brochures.
Download and print out a few to keep with you. Next time you are standing in line to pay for something, pull one out and give it to the person next to you. All you need to say is, I found this interesting maybe you would like to read it. After you have done this a few times maybe you are ready to start up your own “public outreach” table and educate dozens or hundreds of people. Here on our website we have put together a power point training guide. Take a few minutes to go through it.
We must change the public opinion of “Islam is a religion of peace”.
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