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Welcome to Part II of this special 2-part series of The Glazov Gang with Tommy Robinson, the founder and ex-leader of the EDL, the coordinator of Pegida UK and the author of his new memoir, Enemy of the State.
In this second part, Tommy focuses on Rotting in Solitary, sharing the excruciating ordeal he has endured in the UK prison system.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure you watch Part I in which Tommy discussed his memoir and his continuing fight against the Islamization of his country. He talked about his opposition to all forms of racism and the slanders against him, the British authorities’ persecution of him for being a British patriot, the vicious Islamic assault on his nation and the mass denial about it, and much, much more:
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What a labyrinth of insanity a person has to go through in England and I’m sure it’s coming here. I’m glad you did this in 2 parts. Great show.
As an expatriate Briton now resident in Australia, I fear for the future of all Western countries in this insane Islam-hugging Leftist run world that we inhabit. It is coming for all of us no matter where we live. We must arm ourselves for the coming civil war against lunatic Islam and our conniving traitorous governments.