With nothing being done to stop the growth of Islamic Jihadist groups in Afghanistan, the likelihood of an attack here in the US grows.
Today’s Public Outreach Event
Today’s Public Outreach
Saturday 7-23-22
We had a great “Public Outreach” today. Despite the crowd being thinner than normal, we still passes out 900 brochures. And very few people wanted to stop and talk or ask questions, which was surprising. Along with a brochure on Islam or Marxism, we included our brochure on what people can do and how to do it to get them into this fight for our country.
Thanks go out to Bishop J for coming on our and supporting today’s “Public Outreach”. Between the two of us we kept busy the entire time. It is with sadness I inform you that Bishop J and Pastor M will be moving. They have been long time stalwarts for our “Public Outreach” events and other events we do. Bishop J being fluent in Arabic and Pastor M fluid in Spanish, both are very valuable in talking to diverse crowds we get coming up to our booth. The good news is they will be starting up a group in their new community to get people educated and into action. And will perhaps be back from time to time to join in with us. I want to thank them so much for their dedication to this project and all of the work they have done over the years.
Now there is an opportunity for those wishing to get involved with our “Public Outreach” events. If you would like to get trained and join in on some of these events please send us an email at: CounterJihadCoalition@gmail.com we will work with you to get you knowledgeable and comfortable with educating the public.
If you cannot get involved in educating the public, we would certainly appreciate any donation large or small. $5 a month or for the price of one cup of coffee helps offset our printing costs for brochures. Go to our website and click on the donate button: www.CounterJihadCoalition.org
Everyone has to get involved one way or another. There are still so many people uninformed or do not know how to go about turning this mess our country is in around. Please step up now. If you go to our website, brochure #49 tells you what you can do now. Download it, print it out and give to your friends. We all need to be involved.
Muslim man arrested for setting off explosive
Educating The Public On The Threat of Islam and Marxism
Today’s Public Outreach Event Saturday 7-09-22
Even though the number of people today was down a bit from a usual Saturday, we passed out over 700 brochures and had several discussions with people. Thanks go out to Jim and Diane for coming on out today to help educate people and get them involved in their communities. It still amazes me, after all of these years of “Public Outreach” events, there are still so many people that just do not understand the threat posed by Islam and Marxism. People understand Marxism more than they do Islam. But few realize the threat posed by both to America.
Diane had a lengthy conversation with a recent college graduate, who claimed to be a Christian. And said his Dad was a Christian Pastor. Now here is the unfortunate part of the conversation. He kept verbally attacking Diane for being so hateful and passing out what he called propaganda. When told everything in all of our brochures was factual and truthful he just shook his head. When asked to point out the propaganda, his only comeback was well you were schooled long before me and said he could understand why we were so bigoted. When pressed again he could not point out any propaganda in any of our brochures. This “Christian” went so far as calling Diane an arrogant a__hole. I did not hear that part of the conversation, probably good for him and me.
I had a long conversation with two Muslims from Switzerland. They were here on student visas, studying at a University. Both happened to be majoring in Engineering. They were curious as to what we were doing. When I explained to them that we were educating people on Islam and Marxism. And as usual the conversation proceeded as you would expect after they took one of our brochures, is Islam peaceful or violent. Eventually the conversation went to the subject of Jihad. I always carry my well-read Quran and Reliance of the Traveller with me on these events. They quieted down a bit when we focused on Surah 9. Then they tried using Surah 5 verse 32. When I opened my Quran and pointed out that they were taking things out of context, they were silent. When I showed them Reliance of the Traveller saying that Jihad is obligatory for all able Muslims that pretty much ended our conversation. I found it interesting that they had the same comebacks and arguments that American Muslims use. They all march to the exact same beat. Information flows from the IOC down to countries and then to mosques and Imams.
Now is the time for everyone to get involved in their local communities. See what is going on at your city council meetings and push back if it is some Islamic or Marxist method they are pushing. Same with your local school boards. This battle for our country will be won or lost at the local level. A good workshop given by Understanding The Threat (Understandingthethreat.com) is their Into Action. A three day workshop which educates you on how to identify and then dismantle these threats in your community, legally.
Print out some brochures from our website (CounterJihadCoalition.org) familiarize yourself with them and then hand them out. Everyone must get involved and the time is now.
The Time is Now To Fight For Our Republic
Establishment Republicans Are Killing This Country
Why Don’t We Ever See Outrage From The Left Over the Muslim Treatment of the Muslim LGBTQI Community
Mexico Assists Muslim Migrants Trying To Get Into The U.S.
Iran Tells UN Meeting Islamophobia is Cause of World Problems.
Former Head of Mosque is Appointed by Boston Mayor as Deputy Chief of Staff
Today’s Public Outreach
Public Outreach Saturday June 18, 2022
We had our full crew out for today’s “Public Outreach” event. Since we can only have three at a time at our booth, Jim and Diane took the first shift and Bishop J and Pastor M took the second shift. Since I filed the application, I was there for both shifts. By the end of the day we had passed out over 800 brochures. Most people were complimentary of what we were doing and asked questions and wanted additional brochures. Jim had a long conversation with a Pastor who was knowledgeable on Islam and said he makes it a point to educate his congregants on the facts and truth. We need more like him. Another Pastor came up to our booth and thanked all of us for what we were doing. He took several brochures that he wanted to give out to his congregation. Bishop J had a long conversation with an Iranian man who left Islam and converted to Christianity.
In finishing this brief summary of today, I would just like to say it is time for everyone to get in this battle for our republic. The enemy is out and does their best to disrupt our events. Everyone needs to get educated and then engage in saving our republic. You can go to our website: www.CounterJihadCoalition.org and download brochures and print out several to educate your neighbors, friends and people at your house of worship. Contact us if you would like to set up your own booth to educate people. There is a PowerPoint presentation on our website which describes how to go about doing this. And we can always use donations to help offset the cost of printing the brochures. Get involved.
Once Again Our Open Borders Prove The Threat to National Security
Ex US Teacher Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charges
Today’s Public Outreach Event, Saturday 6-04-22
Today’s Public Outreach Saturday June 4, 2022
Thanks go out to Diane, Bishop J and Pastor M for coming on out for our “Public Outreach” today. At the end of the day, we passed out over 750 brochures. And more importantly all of us had, for the most part, positive discussions with people. We also encountered many more Muslims than we have in the past at this venue. For some reason they were out today. I had about a 20 minute debate with a Muslim who was very smooth. I would describe him as a very good used car salesman. And of course I could not know the true meaning of Islam since I have read an English translation of the Quran. And I was “cherry picking” verses and did not know the context of the verses I was asking him about, according to the used car salesman. And according to him you must read the Quran in Arabic to understand the true meaning of Islam. Bishop J saw us talking and after a while came over to see what we were talking about. The Muslim was adamant that he wanted to just talk with me. After some time he just turned and walked away.
Once again Pastor M being fluent in Spanish had several conversations with Spanish speaking people who also number much more than usual. Bishop J and the rest of us answered many questions from people wanting to know more.
If any of you out there know of people in the San Jose, Sacramento or San Francisco areas that may be interested in setting up booths in their area, please let me know. We are trying to expand into some other areas we do not get to on a regular basis.
And now more than ever, please get in this battle to save our country. If you cannot get out into the public, we can use your donations. Just go to our website: www.CounterJihadCoalition.org and click on the donate button. All of our factual brochures can be downloaded and printed out at no cost so that you can use them.
I will post a few pictures of our outing today, so take a look on our website.
Again thanks go out to Bishop J, Diane and Pastor M for coming on out today.
The Problem With Islam, A Letter to Zuhdi Jasser
The Islamic Problem is Theological; Not Political.
Following is a portion of an email that I sent to Muhammad Zuhdi Jasser and the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) on May 17, 2022 in response to the whiterose magazine article https://whiterosemagazine.com/jewish-leaders-must-counter-islamist-supremacism/
The related information titled “Son of Hamas Leader Tells The Truth…” was also included. Jasser has failed to respond as of this date:
Mr. Jasser, you may recall that you and I had an Email exchange on September 17, 2018, where I asked how you would actually go about reforming Islam. I hereby submit the following for your consideration on this date of May 17, 2022 and welcome your comments. Thank you.
A Message to the American Islamic Forum for Democracy Regarding the Conflict
- Zuhdi Jasser & American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) need to first acknowledge that Islam is not a sister religion of Judaism and Christianity and that Allah is NOT Yahweh and that Muhammad is NOT a “prophet” sent by Yahweh.
- Zuhdi Jasser & AIFD need to acknowledge that the “Allah” that he and all other would-be Reformist Muslims believe in still proclaims that Jews and Christians must be destroyed, as written in the authorized Qur’an, 9:030.
- Zuhdi Jasser and AIFD need to acknowledge that the real problem is Theological which is the root of all anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity and not Political Islam that merely follows orders given by the Islamic deity, Allah, and the Muslim prophet, Muhammad.
Therefore, M. Zuhdi Jasser & AIFD need to acknowledge that the true God that they should pray to is Yahweh and the Jesus that they need to also believe in is the Jesus of the New Testament Christian teaching, not the Jesus (Isa’) of Islamic belief.
Until that happens, M. Zuhdi Jasser and AIFD will be following the wrong god and the wrong prophet if they really believe that Allah is the true God and that Muhammad was/is the “last and final prophet” ordained for mankind and that all prophets before Muhammad were Muslims.
As Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reportedly said in 2007, about Moderate Islam: “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it…” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/erdogan
Thus, Allah is Allah and Muhammad is Muhammad and their characteristics cannot be changed.
All Muslims, Fundamental or Reform, follow a different deity and a different prophet than the Jews and Christians and that is the reason why Islam cannot be considered the true Abrahamic religion as long as they believe that their Allah’s Covenant was made with Ishmael and not with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob regarding the Land of Israel. (Psalm 105:9-11)
For that reason, M. Zuhdi Jasser, as a devout Muslim, and AIFD will always be at odds with Judeo-Christianity by believing that 7th Century Islam is the “true religion” that eventually must prevail over all others; if not by violent jihad then by a reformed “moderate persuasion.”
Related Information:
Son of Hamas Leader Tells The Truth: Free People Should Fight Islam (4 min- 39 sec)
Mosab Hassan Yousef (later Joseph)[2] was born in Ramallah, a city 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) north of Jerusalem. His father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, was a Hamas leader who spent many years in Israeli prisons.[2][3][7] He is the oldest of five brothers and three sisters.[2][8]
In August 2008, Yousef publicly revealed his Christianity, and renounced Hamas and the Arab leadership, thereby endangering himself and exposing his family in Ramallah to persecution.[2] Yousef has also claimed that his aim was to bring peace to the Middle East; he hopes to return to his homeland when there is peace.[2]
Yousef has stated that despite his conversion to Christianity, he is “against religion”, and does not adhere to any denomination of Christianity. He has stated, “Religion steals freedom, kills creativity, turns us into slaves and against one another. Yes, I am talking about Christianity as well as Islam. Most Christians I have seen, seem to have missed the point, that Jesus redeemed us from religion. Religion is nothing but man’s attempts to get back to God. Whether it is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, animism, any ism. Religion can’t save mankind. Only Jesus could save mankind through his death and resurrection. And Jesus is the only way to God.”[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosab_Hassan_Yousef
Questions? Comments? Starman3000m@netscape.net
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