Hamas-CAIR Lies Once Again
CAIR Yells Muslim Brotherhood is not a Terrorist Organization
Judge Throws Out “Clock Boy” lawsuit as Hoax
The Face of Evil
A Proposed Trump doctrine against Islamic Supremacy
Muslim Father shoots daughter three times in head and claims it is an accident
BYU Students Wear Hijabs to Support Those Who Hate Them
MUST-WATCH VIDEO: Top 10 Reasons Huma Abedin Should Terrify You
Don’t miss the NEW BLOCKBUSTER Top 10 Video in which Anni Cyrus unveils Top 10 Reasons Huma Abedin Should Terrify You, revealing what happens when the Muslim Brotherhood calls.
To watch the MUST-SEE video: CLICK HERE.
Educating the Public on the Tenets of Islam
Educating the Public on the Tenets of Islam
You would be surprised how little the average citizen knows about Islam. This is why we do our “public outreach” events at different venues. This Saturday we passed out over 900 brochures. People are thirsty to learn the truth and facts on Islam. You can download our trifold brochures right here from our site. Each deals on a different aspect of Islam. Most are geared towards political Islam versus the religious side. All of the information in our brochures is taken from the primary source of Islam, the Quran and Sunnah.
The only way we can hope to change public policy is by changing public opinion which means we need to educate the uneducated. Most people do not want to spend the time reading a book to learn a little about Islam. Nor do they want to do any research on their own. And with most main stream media they cannot get the truth. So we have made it easy by putting together these easy to read, short and factual trifold brochures.
Download and print out a few to keep with you. Next time you are standing in line to pay for something, pull one out and give it to the person next to you. All you need to say is, I found this interesting maybe you would like to read it. After you have done this a few times maybe you are ready to start up your own “public outreach” table and educate dozens or hundreds of people. Here on our website we have put together a power point training guide. Take a few minutes to go through it.
We must change the public opinion of “Islam is a religion of peace”.
Dear Muslim, Stop Running Away From Your Quran
Dear Muslim, Stop Running Away from Your Quran
By Louis Palme
Muslims are becoming more and more annoyed when non-Muslims criticize their sacred book, the Quran, or their moral code, called Sharia Law. However, their campaign to demonize any criticism of Islam as bigotry or “Islamophobia” just isn’t working. Cudgeling socially unacceptable religious beliefs is a long-standing American tradition dating back to the witch trials of Puritans (1692), the doomsday cult of Johannes Kelpius (1708), the polygamy of the Mormons (1849), and the exhumation of corpses by the Branch Davidians (1987). Islam has more socially unacceptable beliefs than any of those other religions.
When confronted with shameful beliefs drawn from the pages of the Quran, Muslims usually run away from their sacred book. No, they don’t physically run away, but they use any number of ploys to avoid directly discussing the ideological problems. You’ve probably heard them all:
- I can’t handle your Quran because you are “unclean (najis).”
- I don’t want to waste my time arguing with you because you are steeped in ignorance (Jahiliyyah).
- You are not qualified to criticize the Quran because you don’t read Arabic. (Eighty percent of Muslims cannot read [i.e., understand] the Quran in Arabic.)
- You are using a bad translation of the Quran.
- You are taking that verse out of context.
- Most Muslims don’t believe that verse. (See Surah 2:85 which condemns belief in only parts of the Quran.)
- Your Bible has just as many shameful passages as the Quran.
- Or the Muslim uses diversionary tactics to change the topic being debated or just keeps interrupting so you can’t complete a sentence.
While these responses seem to give the Muslim the upper hand in the discussion, the reality is that he or she has merely shut down discussion of Islam by running away from the Quran. None of the above is a valid excuse for not discussing a particular verse of the Quran.
Recently, when Donald Trump called for “extreme vetting” of immigrants, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) cried foul. “Trump’s proposal for a ‘commission’ that would identify for Americans the tenets of ‘radical Islam’ crosses the line into government interference in religious beliefs. Will a Trump administration entangle itself in interpretation of [Islamic] religious principles?. . . This government promotion of a state version of a particular religion would violate the First Amendment and put America on a path to a society in which those in power get to choose which beliefs are ‘correct’ and which are ‘incorrect.’”(See: http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/16/cair-complains-trump-government-understand-islam/ ) Note that CAIR insists that Muslims must be the sole interpreters of what is in the Quran and Sharia Law. End of discussion.
We must call the Muslims on this. The Quran says in Surah 21:18, “We hurl truth at falsehood, until Truth shall triumph and Falsehood be no more.” Surah 14:52 insists that the Quran is “a clear message for humankind.”
Dear Muslim, please stop running away from your Quran.
Is there a Muslim here who is man enough or woman enough to defend the commands of Quran?
Of course, there is no shortage of offensive commands in the Quran. Pick your favorite outrage, or select from the list below, all of which are criminal acts in the U.S.:
- Chopping off hands of petty thieves (Surah 5:38)
- Death for apostasy (Surah 4:89)
- Inequality of women (Surahs 2:282 and 4:11)
- Paradise promised for those who “kill and are killed.” (Surah 9:111)
- Perpetual warfare against non-Muslims (Surahs 2:216 and 9:123)
- Polygamy (Surah 4:3)
- Rape of captives (Surah 33:50)
- Sex with young girls (Surah 65:4)
- Treating women as “tilth” – marital rape (Surah 2:223)
- Wife beating (Surah 4:34)
It is our civic duty to declare these elements of Islam “unacceptable.” Islamic Sharia Law holds that “silence is considered as permission.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para. m3.12(1)). Americans, by their blind respect for diversity and their silence in the face of acts that violate the law, are actually giving aid and comfort to criminal behavior. These Islamic practices and beliefs must be denounced before they become commonplace and socially acceptable in the U.S. (Recently, in Italy, the Union of Islamic Communities and Organizations (UCOII) claimed polygamy is a “civil right.”) Not only do these practices violate the constitutional rights of citizens, but they will erode the social cohesion and equal opportunity values that make America great.
Some might argue that not all Muslims engage in the offensive acts commanded by the Quran. However, as we have seen in recent years, Muslims will demand as many of their Islamic prerogatives as the community will tolerate. A decade ago, no Muslim would sue to wear a niqab while working at Abercrombie and Fitch. A decade ago, no Muslim store clerk would refuse to handle certain items on a check-out counter. A decade ago, there were no exclusive Islamic prayer rooms in airports and universities. Even where Muslims are a minority, they impose their Sharia Laws on the community. Dearborn, MI, already has a de facto Islamic “no go” zone (See: http://truthuncensored.net/there-are-muslim-no-go-zones-in-the-usa/ ) :
Americans – both Muslim and non-Muslim – need to talk about the evil commands in the Quran and in Sharia Law. If Muslims “run away” from the issue, the divisions in our society will grow deeper and more difficult to bridge. The Brexit vote and the surprising traction Donald Trump is getting should be warnings to all Americans.
Video: How the Jihadist Attack in Nice Could Have Been Prevented
Don’t miss the NEW Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discusses 9 Steps to Counter Jihad, unveiling how the horror that was just perpetrated in Nice could have been prevented.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Video: Heated Exchange Over Taqiyya
[Read our fact-based Trifold Brochures, LIKE the CJC’s Facebook Page, subscribe to our Newsletter, and email us at CounterJihadCoalition@gmail.com.]
This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Saba Ahmed, an Islamic Lobbyist with the Republican Muslim Coalition, and Nonie Darwish, an ex-Muslim who is the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.
The two guests went toe-to-toe about Taqiyya, if Muslims can take kafirs as friends, if Islamic verses inspire and sanction Islamic terror, and much more.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch the special Glazov Gang that was joined by Anjem Choudary, a London Imam, Robert Spencer, the Director of JihadWatch.org, and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, the Founder and President of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
The three guests came on the show to discuss “Jihad in Chattanooga.”
Important Announcement: The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program and its life extension is growing short. Please donate through our Pay Pal account to help us keep going. We so appreciate it.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and to Jamie Glazov Productions. Also LIKE us on Facebook and LIKE Jamie’s FB Fan Page.