Steve Amundson the Founder of the CJC talks about our group’s activities on the Glazov Gang.
CJC comes to 3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica 11th Nov 2014
Training Guide for Counter Jihad Volunteers
- Inform the public about the problems regarding Islamic ideology
- Give honest and well-documented answers to questions about Islam
- Recruit new members for your counter-jihad organization
Vision – End Result Being Sought
- Heightened public awareness of the encroachment of Islam on our way of life
- Draw sharp distinction between political Islam and private religious observance
- Reverse Sharia concessions granted exclusively to Muslims
- Block supremacist rhetoric and Islamic religious intolerance
- Ensure religious freedom for Muslims who wish to leave Islam
What we are NOT about
- Confronting Muslims or pro-Islamic critics
- Getting into contentious arguments and making a scene
- Making disparaging remarks about Muslims
- Taking sides on domestic partisan politics
Factual Persuasion
- Read Bill Warner’s book “Factual Persuasion”
- Familiarize yourself with the handouts you are using – be able to elaborate on all of the points
- Shape the conversation around Islamic political ideology, not Muslims or their religious practices per se.
- Ask questions to learn what the contact already knows and where he/she is coming from
Outline of Factual Persuasion Process
(Not a substitute for reading the book)
- Start with what contact knows or says about Islam
- Can we discuss this using Critical Thinking?
- Let’s discuss this from a Kafir point-of-view – this is Political Islam, not the religion
- “Teach” contact about the well-documented facts from Muhammad and Quran
- Keep importance of Islamic source documents in perspective: Muhammad (his biography [sira] and his sayings [hadith]) 84%; Quran 16%
- Keep Islamic dualism in perspective – 1) peaceful Mecca surahs vs. militant Medina surahs and 2) world divided into the Muslim camp and the Infidel camp
- Understand abrogation, how later Medina surahs supersede the peaceful Mecca surahs (Surah 2:106 and Surah 16:100)
- “Good” and “Bad” in Islam are not determined by reason, but rather by what Muhammad/Allah said was “permitted or ordered” or was “prohibited.” (Reliance of the Traveler, para. a1.4)
- Anything Muhammad did or ordered cannot be considered “extremist.”
- The popularized “Official Islam,” i.e., the “religion of peace,” is not supported by the unabrogated sacred texts taken in their true context
Common Rejoinders and Appropriate Responses
Well the Jews/Christians also did…
- The Crusades lasted 200 years vs 1400 years of jihad
- Hitler and Tim McVey were not religious Christians and they were not carrying out commands from Christian texts
- There is no Judeo/Christian sacred text that calls for killing others because of their non-belief
I know a Muslim and he isn’t like that
- Muslim “good” behavior may reflect Western norms or his/her recognition that at this point in time, Muslims don’t have the power to engage in jihad
- Islam has “two faces” based the peaceful Mecca texts vs. the militant Medina texts
- Islam is what is in the sacred texts – NOT the beliefs, actions, or virtues of a particular Muslim one might know.
How can 1.4 billion Muslims be wrong?
- Historically, most Islamic expansion has been through violence or coercion
- Most of today’s Muslims were born into the religion and did not embrace it through faith
- Since leaving Islam is a capital crime, it is impossible to know how many are sincere about their faith
- Most Western converts to Islam leave it within one to two years
But Muslims believe… or the Quran says…
- Most “positive” aspects come from the Mecca surahs which were abrogated by the Medina surahs (See Surah 2:106 and 16:101)
- Islam teaches that deceit is OK to protect Islam (See Surah 3:28 and 16:106)
- Some “peaceful” verses are actually taken out of context and are actually quite violent in their true context. (See Surah 5:32 and 5:33)
How to Keep Your Cool
- Don’t get ahead of your actual knowledge
- Refer the contact to some more knowledgeable about the topic
- Have the contact send the question in to for a better answer
- It’s OK to say, “I don’t know, but I will find out and get back to you.” Get their email address
- You don’t have to “win” arguments to educate the public
Responding to Muslim hecklers
- Do not insult or attack a Muslim as a person
- If there is an error in our flier, let us know, and we will gladly correct the error
- In the U.S. the First Amendment protects both freedom of speech and freedom of religion — we can
- speak out against a religion, but people can also chose to embrace or reject a religion
- We love Muslims, but we have a serious problem with the ideology of Islam
Security Considerations
- Be security conscious
- Set up table in busy, well-lighted location
- Carry camera and/or a cell phone
- Know where to reach security personnel
- Watch out for one another
- Be ready to lose an argument rather than pick a fight
- Our freedom of speech should never cave in to those trying to prevent us from from speaking the truth