Today’s Public Outreach Sat. 9-07-2024
Today’s Public Outreach Sept. 07-2024
The foot traffic today was a bit less that what it normally is for a Saturday. Since school just started in many districts, perhaps that is the reason. Thanks to Jim for coming out during most of the event. By the end of the day we had passed out over 600 brochures. If half of these get read, then it was a great day.
Since we set up our booth close to a mall entrance we got people both coming into the mall and leaving. Nobody came up asking for information or brochures and a few said no thank you, we still had plenty who wanted one or more.
We had a few positive conversations with people and only a couple of negative ones. Muslims still enjoy taking pictures of us and the posters around our booth. None of them were interested in having a discussion with us. They left after taking their pictures.
The most interesting conversation was a legal immigrant who came up to me and started talking and wanting to know more about what we were doing. I found out he emigrated from Armenia. We discussed the Armenian genocide, Turkey’s position in the middle East affairs and of course Recep Erdogan. He just couldn’t understand why there was not more negative press, conversation, media on Turkey. Hed took many of our brochures and said he would like to join in with us the next time we are out.
I will put up a picture on our website of our booth today. Stop by at to see it. We are at a critical time in the history of our country. We plan on going out much more to inform people that this election will determine if we head towards the direction of socialism or can turn things around and remain a capitalist republic.
While at our website, hit the donate button. All donations are greatly appreciated no matter how small or large. They help offset the cost of printing up the brochures we pass out.
Will this Ramadan see more Jihad attacks here in America?
Operation Los Alamitos
Operation Los Alamitos
We had a great turnout of concerned parents, grandparents, students and community members. People have reached their breaking point and are no longer remaining silent on the issue of the Marxist based Critical Race Theory. The Marxist led school board of Los Alamitos changed tonight’s board meeting to a zoom meeting at the last minute. So we organized a protest outside of the district offices prior to the 6:30 PM zoom board meeting.
A table and microphone were set up so people could speak their peace of mind against this CRT program being pushed down the throats of all California school children. This program will be making its way across America if you have not already been indoctrinated on it.
Diane and myself passed out dozens of our brochure titled “Socialism or Social Justice” to the attendees. It is number 47 on our website, . Local police were there as Antifa and BLM advertised they would be there. Perhaps when they drove by and saw our numbers they kept on going as none showed up.
On the subject of Police, some (or many) still do not know the Marxist founding of BLM. You ask how do I know? Because we spoke to some at the protest and after speaking for a few minutes, they said they were not aware of that. So we gave them several copies of the brochure. They thanked us for that information. So one thing you can do is print out this brochure (#47) and the next time you see a cop on patrol, stop and give him one.
Since no Antifa or BLM showed up I do not have any juicy video. I will post a few pics on our website of the crowd today.
What Jihadists Do in America for Thanksgiving
Head of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program Assassinated Near Tehran
US terror database classifies 9/11 jihadis as ‘White/Caucasian non-Hispanic,’ 9/11 victims as killed by whites
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Islamic Cleric Who Called for a Nuclear Attack on France Dies
Asymmetrical Warfare takes on Many Shapes and Forms. The Presidential Voter Fraud is one Example of This Done By the Leftist Marxists
California Has The Most Communist/Socialist in Congress
Ever Wonder What The 3 Red Lines in Biden Stand For
Washington Post Praises ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi
Denmark to Withdraw Foreign Fighters Citizenship
CJC Public Outreach Event Saturday October 19, 2019
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