Don’t miss the NEW Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discusses 9 Steps to Counter Jihad, unveiling how the horror that was just perpetrated in Nice could have been prevented.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
A Coalition Countering Jihad on our Streets
Don’t miss the NEW Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discusses 9 Steps to Counter Jihad, unveiling how the horror that was just perpetrated in Nice could have been prevented.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Don’t miss the NEW Brigitte Gabriel Moment in which Brigitte discusses The Taboo History of Muhammad, unveiling what is really driving Islamic terror — and why Obama and the media don’t want you to know it.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Don’t miss the NEW Robert Spencer Moment in which Robert discusses The Truth Behind The Orlando Gay Club Jihad Massacre, unveiling why Ramadan is full of terror.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Don’t miss the NEW Louis Lionheart Moment in which Louis discusses Jihadists’ Eternal Erections in Islamic Paradise
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Don’t miss the NEW Deborah Weiss Moment in which Deborah discusses Stealth Jihad vs. Ballet.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Don’t miss the NEW Raymond Ibrahim Moment in which Raymond discusses Pope Francis’ Jihad on Christianity.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
[Read our fact-based Trifold Brochures, LIKE the CJC’s Facebook Page, subscribe to our Newsletter, and email us at]
The CJC was out in full force last night on 3rd St. Promenade educating the public about Islam.
The CJC warriors noticed something very prevalent that surfaces over and over again, week after week: Most, if not all, Muslims cannot even answer a basic core question about their own religion — such as where is it said that you should pray 5 times a day.
Last night, most Muslims incorrectly said the mandate to pray 5 times a day is found in the Qur’an —— and not where it really is, in Hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 345. Ask a Muslim this question and see what they say.
Why do so many Muslims not know even the basic core principles, and their sources, of their own religion? Send us your thoughts.
Come join us on Saturdays or start a chapter in your neighborhood!
And don’t miss CJC President Steve Amundson discuss his group’s mission and activities on The Glazov Gang:
The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please Donate to keep it alive, Subscribe to its YouTube Channel and LIKE it on Facebook.
Don’t miss the NEW Daniel Greenfield Moment in which Daniel discusses Why There Is No Room For Women in Muslim Paradise, unveiling the 2.5 million 90-foot-tall virgins awaiting Jihadists in Muslim heaven.
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
Don’t miss the NEW Michael Cutler Moment in which Mr. Cutler discusses Opening America to Islamic Terrorists and Transnational Criminals, unveiling Obama’s pathway to the “borderless world.”
Don’t miss the NEW Phyllis Chesler Moment in which Dr. Chesler discusses Islam’s Specialty — Gender and Religious Apartheid, unveiling how the Left scapegoats Jews and Christians for the apartheid crimes of Islam.
[Read our fact-based Trifold Brochures, LIKE the CJC’s Facebook Page, subscribe to our Newsletter, and email us at]
This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at
Daniel discussed Why the Virgins’ Sexual Appeal in Muslim Paradise is Their Bones, explaining what Islamic theology really says about the “houris” — and why Jihadis kill and die to reach them.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch Daniel Greenfield discussing Avoiding Rape is White Privilege, analyzing why and how, after being anally raped, leftist “anti-racist” activist Karsten Nordal Hauken is mourning his Somalian rapist being deported. [See Breitbart’s coverage of this story HERE.]
Important Announcement: The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program and its life extension is growing short. Please donate through our INDIEGOGO Campaign or our Pay Pal account to help us keep going. We so appreciate it.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and to Jamie Glazov Productions. Also LIKE us on Facebook and LIKE Jamie’s FB Fan Page.
[Read our fact-based Trifold Brochures, LIKE the CJC’s Facebook Page, subscribe to our Newsletter, and email us at]
The Counter Jihad Coalition got a great turnout this Saturday evening. But our attempt to educate the public about Islam ran into a detour when members of the Religion of Peace showed us how peaceful Islam really is.
They put on a performance of vandalism and violence on 3rd St. Promenade, attacking us and knocking down our table and our placards.
But we will continue to tell the truth about Islam. Come join us on Saturdays or start a chapter in your neighborhood!
Below is a picture of our dialogue with Muslims a few minutes before mayhem broke out on 3rd St. last night:
Here is what our setup looked like before the Muslim performance:
Here is what our setup looked like after the Muslim performance:
And don’t miss CJC President Steve Amundson discuss his group’s mission and activities on The Glazov Gang:
The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please Donate to keep it alive, Subscribe to its YouTube Channel and LIKE it on Facebook.
[Read our fact-based Trifold Brochures, LIKE the CJC’s Facebook Page, subscribe to our Newsletter, and email us at]
The Counter Jihad Coalition got a great turnout this Saturday afternoon. Muslimas shouted and yelled at us all night long, but we held our ground and educated the public about Islam.
Thanks to all of our freedom fighters for coming out to spread the truth, especially Chris, Sam, John and Jim.
Come join us on Saturdays or start a chapter in your neighborhood!
And don’t miss CJC President Steve Amundson discuss his group’s mission and activities on The Glazov Gang:
The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please Donate to keep it alive, Subscribe to its YouTube Channel and LIKE it on Facebook.
[Important Announcement: The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program and its life extension is growing short. Please donate through our Pay Pal account to help us keep going. We so appreciate it.]
Welcome to Part II of this special 2-part series of The Glazov Gang with Tommy Robinson, the founder and ex-leader of the EDL, the coordinator of Pegida UK and the author of his new memoir, Enemy of the State.
In this second part, Tommy focuses on Rotting in Solitary, sharing the excruciating ordeal he has endured in the UK prison system.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure you watch Part I in which Tommy discussed his memoir and his continuing fight against the Islamization of his country. He talked about his opposition to all forms of racism and the slanders against him, the British authorities’ persecution of him for being a British patriot, the vicious Islamic assault on his nation and the mass denial about it, and much, much more:
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and to Jamie Glazov Productions. Also LIKE us on Facebook and LIKE Jamie’s FB Fan Page.
[Read our fact-based Trifold Brochures, LIKE the CJC’s Facebook Page, subscribe to our Newsletter, and email us at]
This new special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Tommy Robinson, the founder and ex-leader of the EDL, the coordinator of Pegida UK and the author of his new memoir, Enemy of the State.
Tommy came on the show to discuss his memoir and his continuing fight against the Islamization of his country, the UK. He talks about his opposition to all forms of racism and the slanders against him, the British authorities’ persecution of him for being a British patriot, the vicious Islamic assault on his nation and the mass denial about it, and much, much more.
Don’t miss it! [And stay tuned to Part II of this 2-part series].
And make sure to watch The Glazov Gang’s feature with Gavin Boby of the Law and Freedom Foundation. He discussed his group’s new book about the Islamic child rape gangs: Peter McLoughlin’s “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal.” Gavin unveils the terrifying reality — and widespread extent — of Muslim rape gangs in his country and how the Left enables their barbarity and sadism against helpless young kuffar girls.
Important Announcement: The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program and its life extension is growing short. Please donate through our Pay Pal account to help us keep going. We so appreciate it.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and to Jamie Glazov Productions. Also LIKE us on Facebook and LIKE Jamie’s FB Fan Page.