Today’s Public Outreach Saturday 3-22-2025
We set up our booth at one of our favorite shopping malls today. For some reason the foot traffic seemed to be a little less than wht we are used to seeing at this venue. Easter break, March Madness perhaps had somewhat of an effect as it is usually nonstop with the shoppers. We still ended up passing out 600 plus brochures for the day. Thanks go out to Jim for coming on out and supporting our event. If you would like to be part of this, send us an email at we would really like to get a few more people interested in coming out and educating the public on the evils we face, Islam and Communism.
I just read a posting where some evil forces intend on doing “demonstrations” at Tesla dealerships and charging stations nationwide next Saturday March 29. How fast these weasels flip. This just shows we have plenty of work ahead of us to keep our country and freedoms.
We had a few long conversations with people that were happy to see us out spreading the truth and educating people. Seems like the ladies more than the men will stop and talk for a while. Many are somewhat knowledgeable on Islam and Communism, but do not want to take additional brochures to educate their friends and neighbors. I am not sure why many people are reluctant to spread the truth.
Don’t forget we can really use your donations whether small or large. They help offset the cost of printing up our brochures. If you would like to start up your own group, again email us. We would be happy to talk with you and get you going. I will post a picture of our booth today on our website and while there if you would click the donate button we would greatly appreciate it. And all of our factual brochures are free to download or print out for your use.
Thank You!
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