Today’s Public Outreach, Saturday 2-22-25
We had a very, very good Public Outreach Event today. We set up our booth at one of our favorite shopping malls in southern California. From the number of people we engaged with, the number of brochures, many conversations and a couple of them were rather long. Thanks go out to Jim for coming on out today and having some fun spreading the truth about Islam.
Not long after we had our booth set up and passing out brochures, a lady came up to me and asked if she could have a couple of our brochures. She asked what we were doing to which I said, teaching people the truth about Islam. She asked a question which prompted me to ask her if she converted to Islam, to which she answered yes. I asked her why and she said over 20 years ago she was searching to find answers to questions about life and along came a Moslem who had all the answers which seemed reasonable to her. After a while she converted to Islam and they got married. After a few years of marriage he started emotionally abusing her until she finally had had enough. He never physically abused her, but the emotional abuse became overwhelming. She finally filed for divorce and is awaiting that to go through.
I asked her if she left Islam and she responded no and did not have an intention to do so. Why I asked, she replied that she felt Islam was loving, caring and peaceful. It was her husband that was radical. I shared many different verses from the Quran and Hadiths which say how women are to be treated. She was not familiar with the difference between the Meccan and Medina verses to which I told her and gave her one of our brochures titled Mohammed’s last will and testament. It ended by me giving her my email address and encouraging her to reach out to me with any questions she may have. I hope she does.
Another long conversation I had was with a Coptic Christian lady. She was so happy to see what we were doing. There are so many people who do not know Islam, which she was amazed to say it. I told her we have been doing this for over 20 years and people still come up and ask us basic questions. She stated that most people she talks to know nothing. We talked about the infiltration of Islam into our local city councils, local and state governments and federal governments. She wants to stay in contact and will think about joining our group.
All of the questions and conversations today were positive. We did not get any negative comments or pushback. That is unusual at this particular shopping mall. By the end of the day we had passed out over 800 brochures and had all those positive interactions with people.
A good day for our “Public Outreach Event”. Now is the time we need to be out educating and trying to organize people into groups. We have a new administration who has our backs now so we need to make progress to save America. If for whatever reason you cannot get out and educate people please consider making a donation to Counter Jihad Coalition. All donations go to help offsetting the cost of printing up our brochures. You can also download our brochures from our website, at no cost. Just click on the trifold brochure button and then select the ones you want and print them out. Even if you can pass out one or two at the grocery store while you are shopping is great, how about the car wash, beauty salon, etc. I always stick a few in my pocket anytime I leave the house. We have to work fast as the midterms will be coming up soon.
I will post a picture of our booth today on our website shortly so stop by and take a look.
All of you do such a great job, I’ve passed out several brochures (copied from web site)) at School of Mines in Golden, CO. Golden has a mosque and many students are Muslim. I put them on windshields, I didn’t want to be confronted by campus security, so I did it covertly..
Thanks Patrick for spreading the truth. This is what it will take, people like you, helping to spread the truth so that people get informed and stat pushing back in their communities.,