Today’s Public Outreach Sept. 07-2024
The foot traffic today was a bit less that what it normally is for a Saturday. Since school just started in many districts, perhaps that is the reason. Thanks to Jim for coming out during most of the event. By the end of the day we had passed out over 600 brochures. If half of these get read, then it was a great day.
Since we set up our booth close to a mall entrance we got people both coming into the mall and leaving. Nobody came up asking for information or brochures and a few said no thank you, we still had plenty who wanted one or more.
We had a few positive conversations with people and only a couple of negative ones. Muslims still enjoy taking pictures of us and the posters around our booth. None of them were interested in having a discussion with us. They left after taking their pictures.
The most interesting conversation was a legal immigrant who came up to me and started talking and wanting to know more about what we were doing. I found out he emigrated from Armenia. We discussed the Armenian genocide, Turkey’s position in the middle East affairs and of course Recep Erdogan. He just couldn’t understand why there was not more negative press, conversation, media on Turkey. Hed took many of our brochures and said he would like to join in with us the next time we are out.
I will put up a picture on our website of our booth today. Stop by at to see it. We are at a critical time in the history of our country. We plan on going out much more to inform people that this election will determine if we head towards the direction of socialism or can turn things around and remain a capitalist republic.
While at our website, hit the donate button. All donations are greatly appreciated no matter how small or large. They help offset the cost of printing up the brochures we pass out.
Thanks for your service Steve. Being so close to 9/11 plus 23 it is important that we never forget. To that end this Kindle version of “Remember Flight 93” is available for free from Monday through Friday September 13th. God speed Steve:
Will check out the book and thanks for the kind words. Keep up with all the good you are doing.