We had another great “Public Outreach” event today even though foot traffic was a bit slower than normal. I guess with many schools finishing up the year this week, people headed to the beach or other places to celebrate. Thanks go out to Terry for coming on out today to help educate people. Terry had a few good conversations with people throughout the day. As did I, but for the most part people were not in a talkative mood. By the end of the day, we had passed out almost 500 brochures.
The only push back we got was from a man who came up to me insisting that Israel was the aggressor and colonizer. He swore that Hamas was just defending themselves and if Israel would drop their weapons there would be peace.
Unfortunately we did not spend much time talking to people about getting organized in their neighborhoods, cities and counties. You would have to be a mushroom to not know that something big is on the horizon. Some Intel circles talk of another huge attack like 911 while other say a civil war is around the corner. Whichever it is it is time to get prepared.
And remember we appreciate your donations no matter how small. They all add up and help offset the cost of printing the brochures we hand out. Stop by our website: www.CounterJihadCoalition.org to see a picture of today and click on the donate button. If you cannot get out into your communities to educate people, please send us a donation.
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