The venue we were at today was an indoor mall. Perhaps due to the rainy weather we are still having, it forced people to stay inside with their kids as we were very busy the entire outreach. Thanks go out to Jim for coming on out on a rainy day to help educate the public. People today were in a very talkative mood as we had many good conversations. Once again Jim led the way with the number of conversations he had with people. By the end of our outreach we had passed out over 800 brochures. And several people actually stopped to look at all the brochures we had on our booth and took some of which they wanted to read. I guess maybe people’s mindset on a rainy day was that they were not rushed for time. We only had a few disgusting stares and one Muslim said he should behead me for passing out false information on Islam. And false information to a Muslim means something they do not like even though it is factually true. This because in Islam it is okay to lie if it advances the cause of Islam.
I had hoped to have had at least a few conversations with people on the open southern border. But that did not happen today. With the thousands pouring in over the open border one wonders how many are entering here as enemies of America. We are already getting some answers to that. It is time for people to start forming groups in their neighborhoods, communities and counties to get prepared for what looks like is coming.
I’ll post a picture on our website of our booth from today. So stop by and if you are ready to get active in saving our country, send us an email at Remember that all of our brochures are free to download from our website at If for whatever reason you cannot get active in your community we can always use a little financial support to help pay the cost of brochures we pass out to the public.
I thought I’d relay a comment found on
Biden wants enough Muslims in country, then offer them citizenship, for 4 yrs in the Army. Having an Army that hates America and Americans would be easy to manipulate to kill conservative Americans. Biden funds terrorist’s, funds terrorism in Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Funding terrorists is funding Islam. Can you imagine what Biden’s terrorist Army could do, given the opportunity?
Yep and he has already done a significant amount of destruction.