Trump and MAGA supporters according to the FBI pose the biggest threat to America. Now that the 2024 elections are upcoming they have even formed special units to go after the MAGA supporters.
You are here: Home / Uncategorized / These people are the real threat to America says the FBI. As Trump has said, he is just standing in their way they are coming after patriotic Americans.
Conservatives have become a target of the Democrats who support Islam/Muslims in America. Many are employed by Biden, FBI, CIA, DOJ. If they can’t pass Islamophobia laws to ensure Muslims are always the victim, will go after Christian/Jewish Conservatives who support Trump. Killing of Conservative Trump supporting folks is not out of their realm.
Corrupt government agencies will go after Pamela Geller, Congressional Trump supporting members of Congress, Trump supporting State Governors, District Attorney’s, Conservative Media (TV/Radio/Satellite), the list is infinite.
The Biden regime is corrupt as hell, they want Trump in prison, place all conservatives in the same place. Biden claims MAGA supporters are enemies of the State, terrorists.
All Federal agencies should be shut down and overhauled. Biden’s belongs in prison, heads of FBI, CIA, DOJ are criminal as well. America is facing a tyrannical government, we can’t stand passively by. Thank God McCarthy is gone. Our schools in America are corrupt, perversion is commonplace. Leftist Christians and Jews support Muslims coming into America, house them, feed them.Is a civil war on the horizon?
The sight of the mainstream media turning coverage of the horrific Hamas attacks into Palestinian talking points is sickening. The demonic Islamic ideology is the primary motivation for this, and innumerable other atrocities. We here, in the currently safer sections of the West, need to confront Islam before our situation is as dire as it is for our Israeli brothers and sisters.
There are plenty of peaceful and nonviolent avenues for protest against the Islamic ideology that are currently legal. Rights not exercised are rights that will be lost.