Public Outreach Event Today 3-18-2023
We had a good “Public Outreach” event today. The mall we were at was not as crowded with shoppers as they usually are. Perhaps people were recovering today from St. Patrick celebrations last night. Thanks go out to Diane and Jim for coming out to support today’s event. Several people came up asking questions about what we were doing and then thanked us after we responded. There were a few negative looks, snide remarks and of course those who refused our brochures. One Muslim after speaking with Jim for a while started shouting, stop the lies. Another one who gave me the middle finger sat down at a nearby table and just stared at us for at least an hour.
By the end of the day we had passed out close to 800 brochures. Hopefully people will take the time to educate themselves a bit.
After hearing the news this morning, it is up to us grassroots patriots to take back our country. And the time is now. Please send us an email at if you would like to learn a little more about what we do and join in with us on our “Public Outreach” events. If this is not something you can do, we appreciate all donations small and large which helps us cover the cost of the brochures we hand out. Visit our website at and click on the donate button.
Thanks again to Diane and Jim for helping to make today a success. I will post a picture from today on our website.
Your organization is one of only a few in America, doing what you’re financially/patriotically able to do. I commend you for your contributions and your patriotism.
Thanks Patrick
Kudos again Steve. Wondering if you have ever experienced police harassment. In Colorado I certainly have, but the situation is a good deal worse in Europe, so I am reaching out to Tommy Robinson and the anti-Islamic activists in the UK. Tommy has been thrown in prison (he is out now and doing a podcast) where the authorities apparently hoped he would be killed by Muslims in prison. The police in Europe have become cowardly such as in the UK where the activities of Islamic grooming gangs have been covered up and in Sweden where instead of arresting rock throwing Muslims police instead stop non-Muslims from entering “no go zones” there. We here in the US are only a few years behind.but there is plenty folks can do to support the anti-Islamic movement here, one of which is to ask your local libraries to order the workd of Salman Rushdie, William Gawthorp and others for you., I am posting this comment on the Youtube videos from Tommy and other British warriors.
“To my British cousins across the pond, we are also beset with the problems you have faced with “the religion of peace.” I have been arrested for attending a so-called “open house” at the Denver Islamic Society, an entity that included the likes of terrorist Anwar al Awlaki, pedophile Homaidan al Turki and a former vice president who purchased a satellite phone for bin Laden pre-9/11 for handing out leaflets and defending myself when I was attacked by three Muslims. Although a number of attendees took cellphone video, which was basis of the “probable cause” for my arrest (although the officers admitted they never saw the footage but as they had been assured by mosque officials would be made available at trial), In fact, as it did not show what mosque officials alleged and, in fact, demonstrated I had been assaulted by three Muslims (their attack stopped when I threw an elbow at an imam who had grabbed my right arm), all the footage mysteriously disappeared. I was also fined and threatened with arrest for protesting the Northglenn, Colorado mosque’s deceptive and dangerous “open house.”
We don’t have a Speaker’s Corner here in Colorado, so we have to hold our debates wherever we can. This Christian-Muslim debate occurred at an Marriott in Lone Tree, Colorado and involved famous (or infamous) Islamic scholar Yasir Qadhi and myself. Apologies for the spotty audio, lots of wind and traffic noise, but I didn’t shoot it. It was shot without my knowledge by someone attending the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), who posted the video on Youtube.
The occasion was an ICNA fundraiser whose keynote speaker was Yasir Qadhi, Salafist Islamic scholar and then faculty member of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. In order to keep the Rhodes job Qadhi had to pretend to be “moderate.” In fact, however, he had posted Youtube videos stating that Christians and Jews were filthy and that it was legitimate to take their lives and property in jihad. As for the fundraiser, those familiar with Islamic charity (zakat) know that one of the eight categories for receipt of Islamic charitable donations is for soldiers for Islam that do not wear the uniform of a nation, in other words terrorists.
The comments on the ICNA posting of the debate, mostly from ICNA sympathizers feel Qadhi won the debate (one referred to mas a “lone wolf”) but don’t go into detail. The only comment that went into thorough discussion of the entire debate came from Adrian Russe and says that I won the debate handily. Here are his comments, what do you think?:
This is the best comment concerning my debate with Yasir Qadhi that was posted to the ICNA video, thanks Adrian Russe:
“OK! Good on him, he stayed on track and
never fell for any of your bullshit. He is right about pretending to be
Moderate, there is no such thing, just as Radical doesn’t exist. There are the Pious
and Munafiqun (munafiq, singular, Islamic Hypocrites). 1 min 19 in he starts
deflecting. He is controlling this thus putting him in Dhimmitude. At 3;30 a
great “fuck off”on your part. Then he starts lying about modifying
Islam, it cannot ever happen, to do so would be to admit it isn’t perfect, so
he’s lying. At 4:30 he says “I’m an American” that’s bullshit. Their allegiance is
to the Ummah, NEVER the host, a passport is another weapon of the age. Islam
has no nationality.
6 minutes in, they have a duty to further Islam,
so, another lie. Sahih Bukhari (49:857) – “He who makes peace between the
people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a
liar”. 10:30 he starts talking about the cross (it was always going to happen) great
move by the way. 10:45 he loves Jesus does he? The Quran agrees with the Bible about the virgin
birth of Jesus (and his return), but not his resurrection. In fact, it even
denies that he was crucified, which runs counter to all historical evidence. In
the Islamic version, Jesus was taken to heaven and will return to “destroy
the cross” and all religions other than Islam. 12:00 he says “we are not preaching violence” another lie, they’re
muslims. Quran (2:216) – “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense. 12:23 “food packages for abused women” MUSLIM women OR if not, Sahih Bukhari (55:558) – The Prophet said, “I give to them so as to attract their hearts to Islam.” Bukhari (55:558) – The Prophet said, “I give to them so as to attract their hearts to Islam.”
The only example of Muhammad ever providing
charity to non-Muslims was when it served the purpose of expanding personal power, either to buy conversions or loyalty. 12:40 Syrian refugess = Muslims, Any Christians coming out of Syria were missing by the time they reached international water because they wouldn’tpray, and their children were kept to manipulate EU authorities. Those Syrian refugees who made it here do not need any charity from the U.S, there are enough arse lickers here to help them.
13:25 the last resort, Label Words. He knows Richard knows. Label words are
another tactic to subdue. He has made up his mind and he is not falling for
their deceit called Tawriya = Intentionally creating a false impression by
saying something that is technically true, when knowing that the listener will
interpret it in a different way. THAT was brilliant and God bless him for not
falling for their deceptions. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that. Know whose
enemy you are, and why.”
Love to be called “brilliant.” But if nothing else my presence on the sidewalk in front of the Marriott with a sign that read “ICNA: Terrorist Front,” clearly disrupted the event including having the keynote speaker feeling he had to confront me. Kudos to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, who, unlike the Denver and Northglenn Police, allowed me the exercise of my, albeit very endangered, First Amendment rights.”
God Bless
Good on you Richard. You may want to check Colorado law and see if they allow free speech in shopping malls. In many states the common areas of malls are designated as free speech areas.
That certainly wouldn’t work in Northglenn or Denver (probably not Boulder either but I haven’t tested thar). I have only had friendly interactions with the police in Douglas County and Broomfield.. In Colorado if free speech is not dead, it is certainly on life support. I Currently I am limited to judicial anti-jihad and online. I have a second writ I will be filing with the US Supreme Court shortly and have to put another together as the Colorado Supreme Court just dismissed my lawsuit against the Northglenn mosque.