The Islamic Problem is Theological; Not Political.
Following is a portion of an email that I sent to Muhammad Zuhdi Jasser and the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) on May 17, 2022 in response to the whiterose magazine article
The related information titled “Son of Hamas Leader Tells The Truth…” was also included. Jasser has failed to respond as of this date:
Mr. Jasser, you may recall that you and I had an Email exchange on September 17, 2018, where I asked how you would actually go about reforming Islam. I hereby submit the following for your consideration on this date of May 17, 2022 and welcome your comments. Thank you.
A Message to the American Islamic Forum for Democracy Regarding the Conflict
- Zuhdi Jasser & American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) need to first acknowledge that Islam is not a sister religion of Judaism and Christianity and that Allah is NOT Yahweh and that Muhammad is NOT a “prophet” sent by Yahweh.
- Zuhdi Jasser & AIFD need to acknowledge that the “Allah” that he and all other would-be Reformist Muslims believe in still proclaims that Jews and Christians must be destroyed, as written in the authorized Qur’an, 9:030.
- Zuhdi Jasser and AIFD need to acknowledge that the real problem is Theological which is the root of all anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity and not Political Islam that merely follows orders given by the Islamic deity, Allah, and the Muslim prophet, Muhammad.
Therefore, M. Zuhdi Jasser & AIFD need to acknowledge that the true God that they should pray to is Yahweh and the Jesus that they need to also believe in is the Jesus of the New Testament Christian teaching, not the Jesus (Isa’) of Islamic belief.
Until that happens, M. Zuhdi Jasser and AIFD will be following the wrong god and the wrong prophet if they really believe that Allah is the true God and that Muhammad was/is the “last and final prophet” ordained for mankind and that all prophets before Muhammad were Muslims.
As Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reportedly said in 2007, about Moderate Islam: “These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it…”
Thus, Allah is Allah and Muhammad is Muhammad and their characteristics cannot be changed.
All Muslims, Fundamental or Reform, follow a different deity and a different prophet than the Jews and Christians and that is the reason why Islam cannot be considered the true Abrahamic religion as long as they believe that their Allah’s Covenant was made with Ishmael and not with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob regarding the Land of Israel. (Psalm 105:9-11)
For that reason, M. Zuhdi Jasser, as a devout Muslim, and AIFD will always be at odds with Judeo-Christianity by believing that 7th Century Islam is the “true religion” that eventually must prevail over all others; if not by violent jihad then by a reformed “moderate persuasion.”
Related Information:
Son of Hamas Leader Tells The Truth: Free People Should Fight Islam (4 min- 39 sec)
Mosab Hassan Yousef (later Joseph)[2] was born in Ramallah, a city 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) north of Jerusalem. His father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, was a Hamas leader who spent many years in Israeli prisons.[2][3][7] He is the oldest of five brothers and three sisters.[2][8]
In August 2008, Yousef publicly revealed his Christianity, and renounced Hamas and the Arab leadership, thereby endangering himself and exposing his family in Ramallah to persecution.[2] Yousef has also claimed that his aim was to bring peace to the Middle East; he hopes to return to his homeland when there is peace.[2]
Yousef has stated that despite his conversion to Christianity, he is “against religion”, and does not adhere to any denomination of Christianity. He has stated, “Religion steals freedom, kills creativity, turns us into slaves and against one another. Yes, I am talking about Christianity as well as Islam. Most Christians I have seen, seem to have missed the point, that Jesus redeemed us from religion. Religion is nothing but man’s attempts to get back to God. Whether it is Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, animism, any ism. Religion can’t save mankind. Only Jesus could save mankind through his death and resurrection. And Jesus is the only way to God.”[14]
Questions? Comments?
staffsgt7 says
Thanks I really love this article of what you are doing, but islam is also political. Many countries and many individuals base their laws on the political aspect of islam – sharia – even in countries where sharia should not be followed. Yeah, a ‘god’ was tossed into the mix but that is why moslems do what they do – for that ‘god’ and that ‘prophet’. Too bad that so many non-moslems cater to them and I love that you are addressing Jasser who is a hypocrit!! Not only is he a hypocrit according to the definition of islam’s hypocrisy (which could be just taqiyya dribble if he was faced with a practitioner of the real islam) but also from a non-moslem’s definition of it.
Politics and theology are so intermixed it would be hard to separate them. Mormons were violent but it was easier to separate out that violence from their cult. Not so easy in islam since it is based on violence. And based on a book that would be less than half if they took out the verses that abrogate the peaceful verses. The hadith and sira would/should be tossed too. I have no idea how much of a percentage of violence is in those books, but they base a lot of their behaviors on their ‘perfect example’ and the hadith and sira is where they get that from!
Jasser is not the only problem too, it is the untold numbers of useful idiots that are in many religions that push those interfaith deceptions, oh er I mean dialogs (roll eyes – it is a one way push of their propaganda – I have been to several of them and kicked out of one and barely tolerated in the others!).
I won’t even go into people like Dr. Oz that got upset and demanded his opponent follow sharia and be silenced in her criticism of islam. That is political – he obviously follows sharia and not the Constitution that gives us the right to criticize/discuss/ridicule any ideology.
Thanks, I probably did a big rant but I don’t see how one can ‘reform’ islam – it needs to be deformed!!!! Dismantled. Maybe start with dropping flyers in other’s lands, radio channels like what was done during WWII with the truth tellers, … I don’t know – others might have better ideas than me.
BTW, those words – islamist and islamism – made up words by non-moslems and ‘taqiyya dribblers’ meant to confuse others about what islam and jihad are really about and what they mean for the kufar. Those two words really make my skin crawl.
Also can someone point me to where Jasser has really done any work within any moslem community? I have seen/read nothing directed at them, only us kufar. I am open to criticism, discussion, etc. of my thoughts. If countering arguments are convincing, I will think about them just as I think about what this article discussed.
staffsgt7 says
I almost forgot to mention that the propaganda in some kid’s textbooks, and those ‘islamic studies’ in colleges because they get money from oil rich islamic countries also needs to be challenged. Has Jasser done anything about that? Teaching propaganda to non-moslems only makes them useful idiots and immobile while islam is on the march – yes, a war/jihad march to push sharia down our throats and make us dhimmi.
Richard Roy Blake says
I too have sent Dr. Jasser an email or tow but I have not heard back. I expressed to him that efforts to reform Islam have never succeeded but that if he was sincere in his desire to reform Islam,it needed to follow the example of the Christian reformation. In other words would-be reformers of Islam would need to develop their own reformist theology, set up their own schools of reformist Islamic theology, and set up reformist mosques. I even suggested a theological basis for reform, that is, as there are both peaceful and violent verses in the Koran, and that the peaceful verses were abrogated (set aside) in favor of violent verses when Mo got kicked out of Mecca, reformist Muslims could assert that the original abrogation was an emergency situation and that the violent verses ought to be abrogated in favor of the peaceful verses. That is, if Muslims who call themselves reformist are sincere and merely attempting to give Islam a fall back position. As Jasser has primarily been involved in fundraising and statements he made during the Syrian civil war expressed support for the Sunni Syrian rebels, many of whom committed atrocities against Syrian Christians, I have some reason to doubt his sincerity.