Today’s “Public Outreach” Saturday April 9, 2022
We had a great “Public Outreach” event today at the new venue we have been to now a few times. Thanks go out to Bishop J, Pastor M and Diane for coming on out to support the event. By the end of the day, we had passed out a little over 950 brochures. This and the fact that we had several good informative discussions with many, many people. Fortunately we had many brochures translated into Spanish as there were many Spanish speaking people who came up to us with questions and eager to read the brochures. Thanks to Pastor M as she is fluent in Spanish and was kept busy most of the time talking with these people.
Bishop J had a good long conversation with a couple from the Sudan. They were very interested what we were doing, asked a lot of questions and took many of our brochures. I ended up talking to the wife for quite a while about her life in the Sudan. Very interesting needless to say.
Throughout our event many Moslems walked by but did not take a brochure. They were out in force today which is unusual from what we have seen in the past here at this venue.
It is time for patriots to get involved in this fight to save our country from those who want to burn it down. And it starts at the local level. We all must educate and inform our neighbors, friends, and people of faith we know and attend faith services with as it is up to us at the local level. Please get involved, the time is now for us to work to take back our country. If you cannot get involved, we could really use donations. Even small donations help to offset the cost of printing up the brochures we hand out. Stop by our website: and click on the donate button. We also have a powerpoint presentation on how to set up your own counter Jihad team, click on that button and go through the presentation.
How many Islamic No-go zones are there in America? What is the accurate number of Islamic mosques in America?
There isn’t any official list of no-go zones, but you could consider Dearborn and Hamtramack Michigan and the Somali majority neighborhoods de-facto no-go Minnesota, Fort Morgan, Colorado, etc. and there are reportedly “sharia patrols” in New York city and perhaps elsewhere, as well as neighborhoods with strong Black Muslim influences. The area around the Denver Islamic Society in the southeast Denver area may not have “sharia patrols” but neighborhood residents and the DPD don’t tolerate anti-Islamic speech, as is also the case at the mosque at 11141 Irma Drive in Northglenn, Colorado. There are probably more. If there are sharia patrols around you can find them by publicly consuming alcohol in front of a mosque or if they are really bold, as in the UK, they will go nuts if you walk your dog in front of the mosque.
Thank you for your informative comments, as I live in Morrison, Colorado. Seems everyday Islam reaches further into American way of life, based on the number of unaware/moronic/Democrat supportive/Republican supportive folks exist to excel Sharia in America.
Seems, Geller,, political, are but a few who are working to oppose Islam in America.
CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood key members walk the halls of Congress and the White House, Islam is being promoted from grade school to colleges and universities. I’ve read recently, Islamophobia laws in the Senate have been proposed, the end of free speech as we know it.
With open borders how many Muslim’s are crossing in a given month? It’s my understanding Muslim growth in Greeley and Fort Collins , Colorado is on steroids.
At 75 years of age, I can only contribute $25 /mo. to Understanding the Threat and John Guandolo to do my part. I make as many posts as possible from Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, Guandolo, you guys to I quit Facebook and Twitter for the number of times they’ve penalized for speaking the truth about Islam.
Hi Patrick,
There is a lot you can do and a good deal of it costs only time. One example is making my charity which aids persecuted and threatened Christians in Islamic nations such as Pakistan for free by making Project Moses Colorado your King Soopers Kroger Community rewards charity and/or your Smile.Amazon charity. We only get.5% of your purchases but if enough people do it, it adds up. We helped an extended Pakistani Christian family of 17 get resettled in Canada after a younger brother fell in love with and married a young Muslim woman from a militant family and she became a Christian, which will get your family killed in Pakistan. There is a lot more you can do also,, if you email me at I can keep you in the loop. I am not on Facebook any more either. Instead I am on MeWe and I have several groups there.
God Bless