Today’s Public Outreach Event Friday 8-06-21
Today was a smashing success for the Kafir. Thanks go out to Jim and Pastor J for participating in today’s event to get the truth into the hands of people. We did have a few hostile incidents which was somewhat surprising as I thought Friday’s were their mosque day. Why were they out shopping around 1:00 PM local time? The first incident came shortly after we just got set up and a Moslem man came walking over, and said what are you doing? This is all BS and lies, get out of here. He proceeded to take pictures of our booth and of us. Then went over to a security guard and talked for several minutes. They were too far away to hear what was said. He then walked away from the guard and got on his phone. We figured yep he is calling in his reinforcement get ready for action. Then about a half hour later another Moslem man came up snapping pictures and wanting to know what we were doing. He shouted this is BS I am going to the police. I tried talking with him and said here just read this brochure and if you find anything that is not truthful, you win $100. He would not have it and walked away shouting he was taking this to the police. Then a bit later two Muslimas came up shouting these are all lies and BS. How can you spread BS like this? They were much more aggressive than the two previous males. After a few minutes of their actions, security came over to calm them down and separate them from us. They were irate and shouting at the security officers. Finally the security guards escorted them away.
Now for the boring good part. We passed out over 600 brochures and had several good discussions with some of the people. No one gave us thanks, but it ended well.
Everyone needs to get engaged in this fight for our country. If you cannot do that, please donate to fund the war effort. You can go to our website: and click on the donate button. Every little bit helps with the printing out of brochures. But get involved in some way. Not only is Islam working to take over the U.S. but they also work with the Marxists. The Red Green axis is trying to take down our country. I will post a couple of pics on our website, so take a look.
Excellent job. As for me, I am in the midst of litigation against a local mosque and the city government they have corrupted in Colorado. I am also heading up Project Moses Colorado, a 501 c3 charity that helps persecuted and/or threatened Christian minority families. Here is the link to our current fundraiser, God Bless:
I was one of the “Muslimas” described in this . First off no one yelled at the security lady . Second we left willingly because a group of other people in the mall joined us and formed a crowd around the racists whites at the booth . One security lady was just standing and observing , not interfering. We approached her and calmly asked what was going on, and no one was getting “escorted out”. Complete false description of what happened. Also the whites who were at the booth were trembling and shaking because we were to educating them and were debunking their comments and false information. We came back to the booth area to exit the mall after shopping after just 5 mins, the booth was packed up and gone . I guess security or the police kicked them out of the mall. Stop completely changing stories to fit your narrative. Are u guys this bored on a Friday afternoon , go get a job . Sad life …
Opposition to the Islamic ideology is not racism and it is a lie typical of an ideology based on deception to lump the two together. In fact, the worst victims of the Islamic ideology are Muslims themselves. Virtually ever Muslim I have ever talked to agrees with the statement that Muslims are the most oppressed people on earth. Unfortunately because Islamic oligarchs and Islamists are experts at getting the Islamic masses to believe their oppression is caused by Israel, the U.S., non-Muslims, etc., instead of the true source of their oppression, the Islamic ideology. That is not to say that all Muslims are bad. There is the Pakistani Muslim leader who was assassinated for defending Asia Bibi, and many Muslims and ex-Muslims I know as well as the large numbers of Muslims who would leave Islam if they were not afraid of the consequences. God Bless you Muslimah, and I pray the Lord will enlighten you and give you the courage to leave the evil totalitarian ideology that is Islam.
All of our brochures and posters are factual and truthful. Perhaps you need to read your Quran and especially Surah or chapter 9 which is the last chronological chapter in the Quran. And it subjugates all previous chapters.