The Time To Stand Up and Fight is Now
Over 120 retired generals and other military officers signed a letter saying our country is in a fight for its survival. The urge patriotic Americans to get involved in politics at the local, state and federal levels. These officers along with all current, retired and former members of our military took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. This oath does not have an expiration date. This fight is being waged between supporters of Socialism and Marxists vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty. Now is the time to stand up, get involved and fight for our country. Here is the link to an article and the letter:
This country via a corrupt election, corrupt Supreme Court, corrupt FBI, CIA, DOJ, corrupt Republican State Legislators, corrupt Congress, and a corrupt Democratic Party/Islamic organizations :the Muslim.Brotherhood and CAIR are pushing/forcing America into a more Communistic/Islamic world. With the aid of the Media, Antifa, BLM, and Muslim Student Organizations, all work hand in hand. Money from the Middle East, from billionaire Soros, Zuckerberg, and Bizos provide impetus and momentum to all the above. A vicious, evil, totalitarian cycle of betrayal…