Eighteen years after September 11, 2001, the United States government has STILL not identified the enemy in the war.
Government officials marked the anniversary with words and tough talk, yet the souls of the thousands of dead Americans – some killed here at home and others killed in combat overseas – cry out for justice.
Yet America’s leaders remain silent as to the identity of the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, and continue to ignore the massive jihadi network growing inside the United States.
In the over 80 jihadi attacks inside the U.S. since 9/11, none of the organizations which encouraged and/or supported these attacks have been indicted or even investigated.
Examples include: Islamic Society of Boston, Dar al Hijra Islamic Center (VA), Islamic Center of San Diego, Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Center of Nashville, Muslim Students Association, Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma, Masjid al-Farooq (NY,NY), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and many others.
The federal government pursues its policy of “Countering Violent Extremism” into oblivion, with no measurable success at all. In contrast, CVE is an abstract failure – as it was meant to be when the Muslim Brotherhood created it in England over 10 years ago.
How many times has a terrorist told us they are a “violent extremist” doing what they are doing in the name of “violent extremism?”
Answer: ZERO.
From the 9/11 hijackers to the Fort Hood jihadi to the Tsarnaev brothers who blew up two bombs at the Boston Marathon, they all say they do what they do because it is a command from Allah to establish Allah’s divine law/sharia on the earth.
Yet, U.S. leaders seem unwilling and/or incapable of processing the simple truth that Islam’s core teachings are driving Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, the Muslim Brotherhood, and every other jihadi organization on the planet.
Islam’s doctrine (sharia) is what drove the armies of Mohammad to conquer Jerusalem in 636 AD and it is what drove them to the Gates of Vienna on September 11, 1683.
Islam’s doctrine (sharia) is what drove muslims to seize U.S. ships and take Americans captive in the late 18th century, leading President Thomas Jefferson to wage war against the muslims in Tripoli and defeat them.
America’s first war after the American Revolution was fought against muslims.
President John Quincy Adams – arguably the most intellectual of all the American Presidents – understood Islam. His comments are sobering:
“(Mohammad) declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust. To exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature…Between these two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. The war is yet flagrant…While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men.”
America needs men and women of courage willing to have the moral courage to speak truth about the threat of Islam.
The silence since 9/11 is literally killing us.
Here in Canada we are preparing for a federal election and for me the only choice is the Conservative party .The liberal party policy is population supplanting with muslims and the conservatives have not taken a stand to protect Canadian culture.Their is a great fear of being called a racist by professional people
The same down here. The liberals label us racists, haters and Islamophobes for simply telling the truth.
I’m amazed at the distinguished and honorable way in which this is written. Are you the author of this fine piece, Steve Admundson? That means you also work for “ Understanding the Threat”? Anyway, it’s well written and something most of us radicals have not even thought of, not even Hannity or Tucker Carlson. I may be wrong there as I don’t watch every episode of Fox News. Many millions know that Islam is harmful, but they don’t know it’s working so hard to overcome us in the West all the time. And even though many of us talk about Islam, and know it’s the enemy of our world wide war we really don’t realize our government is not doing everything it should and that big thing is naming Islam as the enemy.
I cannot take credit for writing this. John G is the author. As you say he put it very well.