This would be funny if it weren’t so upsetting to me and many who know the truth. I consider myself and expert on Islam after studying from Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, David Wood and Brigitte Gabriel. In fact, I’m sure the presentation is true and the hotel manager is a left winger apologist with no idea of the truth. He, like many others is laying his head on the chopping block. As Dr. Bill Warner has preached many times we have two fronts to our war. The first one is most difficult with the far left and democratic party. We have to educate the masses about Islam and it’s goal to take over the West and the world. Praise be to this newer website called counterjihadcoalition,org as we have many hand out brochures now. Read how to distribute them. We need to educate the masses. Most Christiians have no idea what Islam is.. If youi have children in school, check the teachings of your children. Islam is secretly being taught in elementary and high schools. Islam multiplies very fast as even in America Moslems secretly have four wives and many children. Guess who proviedes for all these kids? Educate yourselves. I’ve shown you the people to follow.
LOL yeah, the Iman’s explanation sounds like a bunch of BS. Apparently lots of terrorists understand the koran as written and so should Americans.
This would be funny if it weren’t so upsetting to me and many who know the truth. I consider myself and expert on Islam after studying from Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, David Wood and Brigitte Gabriel. In fact, I’m sure the presentation is true and the hotel manager is a left winger apologist with no idea of the truth. He, like many others is laying his head on the chopping block. As Dr. Bill Warner has preached many times we have two fronts to our war. The first one is most difficult with the far left and democratic party. We have to educate the masses about Islam and it’s goal to take over the West and the world. Praise be to this newer website called counterjihadcoalition,org as we have many hand out brochures now. Read how to distribute them. We need to educate the masses. Most Christiians have no idea what Islam is.. If youi have children in school, check the teachings of your children. Islam is secretly being taught in elementary and high schools. Islam multiplies very fast as even in America Moslems secretly have four wives and many children. Guess who proviedes for all these kids? Educate yourselves. I’ve shown you the people to follow.