In the new video of the Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie focuses on the leftist critics of Ben Carson and his recent statement about Sharia.
Jamie discusses what Islamic Law mandates and he asks: Why are Leftists Asking a Black Man to Support Slavery?
To watch the video, CLICK HERE.
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No To Islam…
I wish there were more intelligent, ietirestnng writers on the web like you. I really appreciate the analogy between dying and the death of a tightly held Lib meme. “But the fifth stage, Acceptance, never kicks in. The process just repeats itself.”I believe there is a very good reason “acceptance” never kicks in:Modern Liberalism/Progressivism are both concepts rooted in an abstract romanticism, a romanticism Libs/Progressives wrap tightly around themselves to serve as both shield and public advertisement. Libs/Progressives believe in a few notable things, but what they believe in most deeply is themselves. They are in love with a romantic notion of themselves as corrageous, enlightened heroes, battling the invidious forces of evil (Usually The Establishment and The Status Quo, which both must be overthrown in order for the coming perfect world only they can envision to take root). Libs/Progressives see themselves as au courant, yes, but they also regard themselves as uniquely enlightened and indespensible forces of good and they tightly wrap their personal identity into their Lib/Progressive beliefs to the point where it is impossible to tell where one begins and the other ends. Attack a Libs politics and you do, in a very real sense, attack them personally. This is something non Libs simply cannot fathom, and it is in large measure why Libs/Progressives can be so fact-resistant and viscerally repulsed by reality. A Lib simply cannot accept any facet of reality that conflicts with their Liberal beliefs because to do so could invalidate the false heroic persona they have created for themselves, and that is absolutely anathema to them. They are very much like the Pharisees of old or the Catholic church: They have not erred because they cannot err. Not much use in trying to reason with that, is there?